Week 8 Progress

1. Looking back. Are you happy with your progress so far? What are you most proud of? Do you have a good weekly routine? What are the class assignments that you enjoy the most? Are you using any of the extra credit options? How have things gone in terms of developing your blog and building your website?

I am happy with my progress so far. I have definitely gotten more comfortable writing. I am most proud of my stories, specifically Broken Heart and What Dreams May Come. I do not necessarily have a good weekly routine. I always work too hard to quick. I enjoy the stories the most. I am not using extra credit. I love developing the blog and website!

2. Looking forward. Are there any changes you want to make for the second half of the semester? Any pitfalls you want to avoid? Something new you want to try in your writing? Anything you want to change about your blog or your project website?

I definitely need to spread out the work a bit more and not quickly do all of it. I want to try more dialogue. I often try to not use it or use it sparsely so that should be fun. Nothing to change.

3. Image. Find an image to motivate you for the big push through to the end of the semester!


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