Week 8 Comments and Feedback
I would rate them really good! I love hearing back from people. I definitely find the critiques on my writing style and font choice to be most useful as they are tangible, concrete fixes.
2. Feedback out. Similarly, how would you rate the quality of the comments and feedback you are leaving for other students? Have you found some good feedback strategies? Are you getting some good ideas for your own writing as you analyze other people's writing?
I would rate my responses well. I enjoy doing WWW as it gives me an opportunity to ask questions and offer changes in a kind way. I don't necessarily know if I'm getting ideas from others as much as I'm learning from their stories separate from mine.
3. Blog comments. Do you have a sense of getting to know people by connecting with them at their blogs? Are you happy with how your Introduction post and how your blog in general provides a space where people can get to know you?
I definitely feel I am getting to know people. I am happy!
4. Looking forward. What do you want/need to do differently to make the feedback assignments more useful for others and/or more useful for you? Do you want to make any changes to your Comment Wall and/or your Introduction?
I would make a section of comments required to be responses to what people have commented on your posts. As much as I feel I am getting to know people, we are not necessarily connecting. I will most likely be making changes.
5. Image. Take a look through the "Feedback Cats" and "Feedback Infographics" to find one that expresses what you think is a really important aspect of the feedback process, and explain why you chose that image in particular.
I chose this infographic sort of image by Grant Snider. An important aspect of my feedback journey is failure. I chose this image because it really depicts what I feel I go through. I am so worried about failure which affects my interpretations of feedback. I am also more kind to people when providing feedback because I don't want them to feel they have failed.
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