Three Storybook Favorites

This story introduced me to entirely new content! I was drawn in by the title, which conveyed a sense of feminism and re-writing history from the "loser's" perspective. The title could have done a better job explaining the story. It's about a support group/group therapy session. So I would have named it like "Feminist Riot Anonymous" or "Who needs men?: A Support Group". Beyond that, the introduction is very funny and definitely confirmed my interest in the story. I love how she described the setting and made it a "first session" feel. The layout and use of images is super helpful! I loved the images the most as they give visual context to the women's stories. I will most likely use imagery like this in my story as well.
This story was not as new to me, as I had learned many of these in the previous story book. The title did a much better job of explaining the story! I read it and thought "ooh it's going to either be a magazine article or a talk show!" It was a talk show! The introduction does a really good job explaining the story and prepping the reader for the individual testimonials. The thing that caught my attention was the audience responses and the commercial breaks. It would have been funnier if she had included some commercials but I get the time constraint! The overall design of the storybook was very easy to take in and, again, the use of images was helpful and provided context.
This story was sort of new and sort of not. I am a Project Runway die hard fan so the set up of the story was really familiar to me. I loved the introduction and how the author formatted it as the intro to the show. The introduction as a whole did a good job of explaining the story. The stories are beautiful and it's amazing how the author found these collections and built the story around them, while using actual historical figures. The actual layout of the site was kind of confusing and disorienting at times. However, when it came to photos of the collection it was beautiful and well done! I most likely wouldn't use this format for my story though.
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